teisipäev, september 09, 2008

First week

Well, it has been REALLY fun. I still live in a suitcase, because i have lived with Devin and Jura in an apartement. Hope today to meet my family, because the school will start already in 2 days. We were 4 days in a small village together and now we think, that our host families want to send us home in 1 month, because
1) Devin is eating too much
2) I take too much shower in a day
3) Juras jokes drive people crazy. Hes excouse "I'm from Finland" may not be enough

Eile sain esimese tagasil66gi, kui me olime v2ljas ja ma sain suht nagu teada, et kreeklased armastavad "talk behind you"d harrastada. Ses suhtes et mina ja Devin 'oleme paar', ainult et keegi seda meilt otse ei k'si aga k6ik "teavad k6ike". Tobe

2 kommentaari:

Anonüümne ütles ...

Kreeka on vist nii imeline, et sa ei saa isegi 6:30 rahulikult magada, vaid pead minu blogi lugema. numpzzz
Mu sakslane otsib soomes vahetusõpilaseks olles Soome boyfriendi, aga ma ei saa aru, miks sa Kreekas Soome kuti endale boyfriendiks võtad :P

Mul on nohu, shoot me down!
/Me vant soooja

Brita K ütles ...

No, ei, ta on ameeriklane ja ei ole mingit votmist ka. Kuule arvuti kell longab vist